Friday, October 16, 2009

Just an update

Hello inter's been a while, hasn't it?

Just to get you up to speed, since it's been 6 or 7 mos...I'm back in the great (rainy) NW at the moment with the boy. I'm taking step 2 of the boards relatively soon (as in 6 days, eek!). Then it's off to externships, which is fancy doctor-speak for away rotations at other hospitals. I'm hoping I impress the peeps out here so they'll give me a job as a resident and pay me peanuts to do slave labor for them for the next 3 years. Do you know of any other job that has an 80 hr work week restriction? As in, "You absolutely can NOT work more than 80 hours a week or we get in trouble for working you too hard?" The craziest part is that plenty of residents fudge their hours to look like they work less than they do. We're gluttons for punishment. I don't even want to tell you how little residents get paid; the sad fact is that I'll have my doctorate and I'll be getting less per year than my engineer friend with just his bachelor's degree.

Yes, I knew all of this going in. Yes, it's what everyone has to go through. But what fun is it if I can't whine about it? *wink*

I'm getting to the point where I feel like a real doctor every once in a's a little scary. I hope I'll have some good stories to share soon. In the meantime, I'm off to brave the rain and study!